Thursday, January 31, 2013


22 December 2012: We left Key West and headed north to stay the night in Melbourne. We had some wonderful pastries at a gas station in southern Florida, quite a surprise. But not close to the surprise Sheila got when she went to use the restroom:

Thankfully, there was a regular door as well as the barred door.  

23 December 2012: We arrived in McLean in the Washington DC area in time for Christmas with family at the home of Sandra and John, Stuart's daughter and son-in-law. Stuart's wife, Sheila's sister, was already there enjoying her grandson and granddaughter.

Sandra, Stuart, John and Daniel with Sandra and John's children.

We visited the National Archives

We toured George Washington's home and museum at Mt. Vernon.

We visited where George and Martha Washington are buried.
The Washington Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ seemed to hover in the sky
as we drove the city's beltway.
The Museum of Natural History
No, not my Christmas gift from Thom,
 it is the Hope Diamond at the Museum of Natural History, Washington DC
We visited both the east and west buildings of the National Museum of Art.
US Marines memorial (Iwo Jima statue) by Arlington Cemetery
Union Station
The old workhouse south of DC, now home to art of all types:
painting, ceramics, glass, dance, etc.
The weather wasn't always the greatest: this is the Washington Monument, but we had a great time with family and seeing Washington DC more in depth than usual.

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